Welcome to my blog! You will find a collection of articles on a wide variety of topics relating to my journey with data science. I hope you will find something of interest.
Elevating Your Project: Branding using R
Learn how design a unique hex sticker logo, to craft a color palette, and generate a QR code for efficient GitHub access.
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After being inspired by the popular end-of-year tradition, Spotify Wrapped, I decided to create my own #RStatsWrapped using .Rmd files from 2022.
CAFOs and Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice
Exploring the environmental impact, missing data implications, and injustices of CAFOs.
Predicting CAFO presence in California based on poverty rates
Statistical Analysis
Binary Logistic Regression
Analyzing the relationship between poverty rates and CAFO presence.
Remote Sensing
Spatial Analysis
Analyzing remotely sensed data to determine the number of residents affected by the power outages caused by storms in February 2021.
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