Houston Power Crisis Analysis

Analyzing remotely sensed data to determine the number of residents affected by the power outages caused by storms in February 2021.
Remote Sensing
Spatial Analysis

Alex Reed


November 14, 2022


The purpose of the analysis is to examine the effects of the February 2021 winter storms in Texas which caused blackouts. The analysis examines the extent of the blackout over Houston using data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument on the Suomi NPP satellite mission.

Load Libraries

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Read in the Data

Night Lights Data

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#read in night lights tiles
VNP_28 <- rast("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v05.001.2021039064328.tif") |> st_as_stars()
VNP_29 <- rast("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021038.h08v06.001.2021039064329.tif") |> st_as_stars()
VNP_06 <- rast("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v05.001.2021048091106.tif") |> st_as_stars()
VNP_05 <- rast("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/VNP46A1/VNP46A1.A2021047.h08v06.001.2021048091105.tif") |> st_as_stars()

#combine tiles for each date
feb_7 <- st_mosaic(VNP_28, VNP_29)
feb_16 <- st_mosaic(VNP_06, VNP_05)

Highways Data

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#load highways dataset and reproject
query <- "SELECT * FROM gis_osm_roads_free_1 WHERE fclass='motorway'"
highways <- st_read("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/gis_osm_roads_free_1.gpkg", 
                    query = query, 
                    quiet = TRUE)
highways <- highways |>

Buildings Data

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#load buildings dataset and reproject
query <- "SELECT *
FROM gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1
OR type in ('residential', 'apartments', 'house', 'static_caravan', 'detached')"
buildings <- st_read("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1.gpkg", 
                     query = query, 
                     quiet = TRUE)
buildings <- buildings |>

Census Data

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geoms <- st_read("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
                     layer = "ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS") 

#load income data and update column names
income <- st_read("/Users/alexreed/Documents/MEDS/Courses/EDS_223/Assignments/data/assignment3/ACS_2019_5YR_TRACT_48_TEXAS.gdb",
                      layer = "X19_INCOME") |>
  dplyr::select(GEOID, B19013e1) |>
  rename(GEOID_Data = GEOID,
         median_income = B19013e1) 

Wrangle the data for visualizations

Create a blackout mask and vectorize

Find the change in night lights intensity caused by the storm. Assuming that any location that experienced a drop of more than 200 nW cm-2sr-1 experienced a blackout. Assign NA to all locations that experienced a drop of less than 200 nW cm-2sr-1. Vectorize the mask.

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#finding the change in night lights intensity and locations that experienced a drop of more than 200
blackout_mask <- (feb_7 - feb_16) > 200

# Assign NA to values with a difference of less than 200 
blackout_mask[blackout_mask == FALSE] <- NA

#vectorize blackout mask
bm_vector <- st_as_sf(blackout_mask)

#fix invalid geometries
bm_vector <- st_make_valid(bm_vector)

Crop the vectorized map to our region of interest (Houston)

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#define roi and turn into a polygon
roi <- st_polygon(list(rbind(c(-96.5, 29),
                             c(-96.5, 30.5),
                             c(-94.5, 30.5),
                             c(-94.5, 29),
                             c(-96.5, 29)))) 

#convert to sf and assign crs
roi <- st_sfc(roi) |>
  st_set_crs(4326) #WGS84 has a unique reference code (EPSG 4326)

#crop blackout mask to roi
intersects <- st_intersects(bm_vector, roi, sparse = FALSE)
bm_cropped <- bm_vector[intersects,]

#reproject to EPSG 3083
bm_cropped <- bm_cropped |>

Exclude highways from blackout mask

To minimize falsely identifying areas with reduced traffic as areas without power, we will ignore areas near highways. Find areas that experienced blackouts that are further than 200m from a highway.

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#identify areas within 200m of all highways
highway_buffer  <- st_buffer(highways, dist =  200)
highway_buffer <- st_union(highway_buffer)

#identify areas beyond 200m of highways. st_difference includes houses within and touching the boundary. I decided to use st_difference instead of st_disjoint because I think the houses touching the buffer should be included
beyond_buffer2 <- st_difference(bm_cropped, highway_buffer)

Find homes impacted by blackouts

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#filter to homes within blackout area
buildings_blackout <- buildings[beyond_buffer2, op = st_intersects]
impacted_homes <- nrow(buildings_blackout)
[1] "There were 157411 homes within blackout areas."

Determine which census tracts experienced blackouts

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#join income data to the census tract geometries and crop to roi
census_income <- left_join(geoms, income) |>

roi <- roi |>

census_income_cropped <- census_income[roi, op = st_intersects]

# census tracts with blackouts
census_blackout <- census_income_cropped[buildings_blackout,] |>
  mutate(blackout = "yes")

#census_income_cropped combined with census_blackout
combined <- full_join(as.data.frame(census_income_cropped), as.data.frame(census_blackout))
combined$blackout[is.na(combined$blackout)] <- "no" 

census_noblackout_only <- st_as_sf(combined[!grepl("yes",combined$blackout),])


Create a map of median income by census tract

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tmap mode set to interactive viewing
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#Create a map of median income by census tract, designating which tracts had blackouts
tm_shape(census_income_cropped) + 
          title = "Median Income ($)",
          palette = "viridis") +
  tm_shape(census_blackout) +
  tm_dots() +
  tm_layout(title = "Median income by census tract")
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#tmap_mode("plot") to get out of interactive version
tmap mode set to plotting
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#census tracts with blackouts
census_blackout_map <-  tm_shape(census_blackout) + 
          title = "Median Income ($)",
          palette = "viridis") +
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "Median income for census tracts that had blackouts")

#census tracts with no blackouts   
census_noblackout_only_map <-  tm_shape(census_noblackout_only) + 
          title = "Median Income ($)",
          palette = "viridis") +
  tm_borders() +
  tm_layout(title = "Median income for census tracts that did not have blackouts")
tmap_arrange(census_blackout_map, census_noblackout_only_map)

Plot the distribution of income in impacted and unimpacted tracts

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#side by side histogram. I'm not sure how to 
#histogram of the distribution of income in impacted tracts
median_income_blackout <- (census_blackout$median_income)
main="Median Income for Tracts Impacted by Blackout",
cex.main = .75,
xlab="Median Income ($)",
ylab="Number of Homes",
n = 30)
#histogram of the distribution of income in unimpacted tracts
median_income_no_blackout <- (census_noblackout_only$median_income)
main="Median Income for Tracts Not Impacted by Blackout",
cex.main = .75,
xlab="Median Income ($)",
ylab="Number of Homes",
n = 30)

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   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
  13886   43292   60414   71245   89932  250001       4 
Show the code
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
  24024   44033   57220   67418   80265  250001       6 

Conclusion and Limitations

Based on this analysis, there were approximately 157,411 homes within blackout areas in Houston. Out of the 1,112 census tracts within Houston, 754 census tracks were within the blackout areas. The maps and plots show that census tracts/homes with higher median incomes were impacted by the blackout. This could be due to the fact that homes near city centers tend to be more expensive and people with higher incomes would be living in these homes. One limitation with this study is that when creating the 200-meter buffer surrounding highways, the actual number of homes impacted by the blackout may be miscalculated.

The goal of this investigation was to become more familiar with spatial data. The results and findings of this investigation are not final and should not be cited without additional investigations.